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Our indexes include entries for the spelling aubrey. In the period you have requested, we have the following 318 records (displaying 271 to 280): 

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Members of Durham University (1910)
The alphabetical list of all living members of Durham University, issued in 1910, was compiled from the Admission Book and University Register. It gives surname, initials, degree, college, and date. Those marked with an asterisk were Members of Convocation. In the case of graduates in Arts, Theology (except in the case of Bachelors of Divinity) and Civil Law, the dates refer to the year in which the examination for the degree of B.A. was passed; in the case of Bachelors of Divinity who were not Graduates in Arts, of Licentiates in Theology, of Civil Engineers, and of Licentiates in Medicine, to the year in which each passed the Final Examination. In the case of Hygiene, Science, and Music, to the year in which the Examination for B.Hy., B.Sc., or B.Mus. was passed; and in the case of Graduates in Medicine to the year in which the Examination for the degree of M.B. was passed, except in the case of practitioners, when the date refers to the year in which the examination for the degree specified was passed. In cases where no date is given the degree is Ad Eundem, unless it is marked honorary. The abbreviations are: Arms., Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Codr., Codrington College, Barbados; Cos., Bishop Cosin's Hall; F. Bay, Fourah Bay, Sierra Leone; Hatf., Bishop Hatfield's Hall; Med., College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St. Chad's, St Chad's Hall; St. John's, St John's Hall; Univ., University College.
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Members of Durham University
Military Medal for Bravery in the Field (1916)
King George V awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field to these Non-Commissioned Officers and Men 11 November 1916.
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Military Medal for Bravery in the Field
Roll of Honour: London Teaching Staff (1914-1918)
The London County Council published a 'Record of Service in the Great War 1914-1918 by Members of the Council's Staff' in 1922. This included a complete list, department by department, of the over 7000 staff who had served in the armed forces during the war, those dying while on active service being marked with an asterisk. The entries give full name, surname first, in bold, the years in uniform, any decorations, rank, and a brief description of theatre in which engaged.
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Roll of Honour: London Teaching Staff
Chemists and Druggists (1919)
The official register printed under the direction of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain pursuant to the act of 31 & 32 Victoriae, cap. 121 (An Act to Regulate the Sale of Poisons, and Alter and Amend the Pharmacy Act, 1852) comprised two sections: 1.The Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists, giving date of registration, number of examination certificate, full name (surname first, in capitals), and residence; 2. The Register of Chemists and Druggists, giving date of registration, full name (surname first, in capitals), residence, number of examination certificate (major or minor), and qualification.
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Chemists and Druggists
Naval Officers (1920)
The alphabetical list of officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (RM) and of the Retired and Emergency Officers serving gives: number of ship or where otherwise serving; name (surname, first christian name and initials); rank; and the dates of their seniority. This is the list from the March 1920 edition of the Navy List, corrected to 18 February 1920.
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Naval Officers
Boys entering Manchester Grammar School (1922)
This Biographical Register of Old Mancunians lists boys alphabetically by year of entering the school. A bare register of entrants existed from 1888 onwards but it was only since the Second World War that any kind of detailed record was kept of those who passed through the school. So, in every case in this printed register, full name is given, in bold, surname first (in capitals); date of birth, and years attending the school; but for the earlier years sometimes there is no more information - or, equally, after investigation among Old Mancunians and published sources, the editors may have been able to furnish a condensed biography. An asterisk indicates a holder of a Foundation Scholarship. In the later years a current address is also given, as of 1964 to 1965, when the book was prepared.
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Boys entering Manchester Grammar School
Residents of East Africa (1922)
The East African Standard compiled this directory of residents of Kenya Colony (K.C.) and Protectorate, Uganda Protectorate (U.P. or Ug.), Tanganyika Territory (T.T.) and Zanzibar Sultanate (Z. or Zbr.)
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Residents of East Africa
Medical Practitioners in London (1926)
The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The London section covered all medical practitioners resident within the London postal district. Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.
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Medical Practitioners in London
Medical practitioners in Military Service (1926)
The Medical Directory was split into several sections. This section covered medical practitioners in the Navy, the Army, the Indian Army and the Royal Air Force. The doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.
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Medical practitioners in Military Service
Medical Practitioners in the Provinces (1926)
The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The Provinces section covered all medical practitioners resident in England outside the London postal district (except those in Monmouthsire, who were listed under Wales). Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.
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Medical Practitioners in the Provinces
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