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Our indexes include entries for the spelling aubrey. In the period you have requested, we have the following 318 records (displaying 161 to 170): 

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Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents (1819-1820)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents (1820)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1820)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments, general news and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad. January to June 1820.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
Members of Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland (1820)
The Crown Office issued notices of members elected to the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and these were printed in the Edinburgh Gazette. Apart from the lists issued after the General Election of 1820, these notices also give the names of the retiring members for each constituency. January to December 1820.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Members of Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents (1821)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents (1821-1822)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, bankrupts and dividends, and patents, as reported in the Monthly Magazine or British Register. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, Bankrupts, Dividends and Patents
Deaths, Marriages, Literary News, Bankrupts, Patents, and Dissolutions of Partnerships (1822)
English death, marriage and birth notices, bankruptcies, certificates and dividends, dissolutions of partnerships, literary news, and patents, as reported in the European Magazine. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad, and Scottish sequestrations (bankruptcies). July to December 1822.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, Literary News, Bankrupts, Patents, and Dissolutions of Partnerships
Deaths, Marriages, Literary News, Bankrupts, Patents, and Dissolutions of Partnerships (1822)
English death, marriage and birth notices, bankruptcies, certificates and dividends, dissolutions of partnerships, literary news, and patents, as reported in the European Magazine. Includes some marriages and deaths from Ireland, Scotland and abroad, and Scottish sequestrations (bankruptcies). January to June 1822.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, Literary News, Bankrupts, Patents, and Dissolutions of Partnerships
English and Welsh bankrupts and their solicitors (1822)
The Monthly Magazine or British Register included a section each month of Bankruptcies extracted from the London Gazette, followed by a list of dividends. These are the bankrupts (and their solicitors) listed in the 53rd volume, 1 February to 1 July 1822.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
English and Welsh bankrupts and their solicitors
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1823)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
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