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Our indexes include entries for the spelling aubrey. In the period you have requested, we have the following 318 records (displaying 141 to 150): 

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Members of London livery companies (1791-1797)
One of the most useful sections of the Universal British Directory, nominally produced in 1791 but including later material, is a List of the Livery of London, giving the names and addresses of members of the London livery companies, together with their professions. As a glance at the sample will show, the companies and the professions only sometimes match, so this is an invaluable key as a first step in tracing the relevant company records for a London trader of this period
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Members of London livery companies
National ArchivesFrench prisoners on board H. M. S. Defence (1796-1798)
His Majesty's ship the Defence took part in the destruction of the French fleet in Aboukir Bay at the mouth of the Nile ('the Battle of the Nile') on the evening of the 1st and morning of the 2nd August 1798. The muster book for 1 July to 31 August 1798 includes these French sailors taken on board after the battle for transfer to Alexandria.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
French prisoners on board H. M. S. Defence
Correspondence of the 1st Earl of Charlemont (1784-1799)
James Caulfeild, first Earl of Charlemont, worked for the emancipation of Ireland from the control of the parliament of England, and was commander-in-chief of the Ulster Volunteers.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Correspondence of the 1st Earl of Charlemont
National ArchivesApprentices registered in Glamorganshire (1801)
Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. There are central registers for collections of the stamp duty in London, as well as returns from collectors in the provinces. These collectors generally received duty just from their own county, but sometimes from further afield. The indentures themselves can date from a year or two earlier than this return. (The sample entry shown on this scan is taken from a Bristol return. Each entry has two scans, the other being the facing page with the details of the indenture, length of service, and payment of duty.) IR 1/70
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Apprentices registered in Glamorganshire
Freeholder voters in Middlesex (1802)
A poll to elect two knights of the shire to represent the county of Middlesex, was held at Brentford 13 to 29 July 1802. The electors were the adult male freeholders of more than 40s per annum of real estate. This poll book lists the voters alphabetically by surname, giving christian name, abode, where the freehold was situate, the nature of the freehold (such as messuage, house, land, rent-charge &c.), the occupier's name, and whether the freeholder voted for William Mainwaring, George Byng or sir Francis Burdett. The entries are printed across facing pages, of which this sample shows part of a lefthand page. For each name indexed, the matching pair of scans is provided. This is the index to the freeholders.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Freeholder voters in Middlesex
Occupiers of freeholds in Middlesex (1802)
A poll to elect two knights of the shire to represent the county of Middlesex, was held at Brentford 13 to 29 July 1802. The electors were the adult male freeholders of more than 40s per annum of real estate. This poll book lists the voters alphabetically by surname, giving christian name, abode, where the freehold was situate, the nature of the freehold (such as messuage, house, land, rent-charge &c.), the occupier's name, and whether the freeholder voted for William Mainwaring, George Byng or sir Francis Burdett. The entries are printed across facing pages, of which this sample shows part of a lefthand page. For each name indexed, the matching pair of scans is provided. This is the index to the occupiers, whose names are shown on the righthand pages, sometimes just as a surname, sometimes with christian name or initial.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Occupiers of freeholds in Middlesex
Tradesmen of Chester (1392-1805)
Lists of admissions of freemen of the city of Chester from the earliest surviving records to 1805 were compiled by J. H. E. Bennett and published by the Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society from 1906. These lists were extracted from the mayoral yearbooks (dating back to 1392) and twelve freemen's rolls covering 1538 to 1612 and 1636 to 1805; and a list of admissions for 1505-1506 in Harleian MS 2105 (British Library). The record does not become more or less continuous until about 1490: in all, 12,426 freedoms are recorded. Freedom of the city, necessary to practise a trade in the city, could be obtained by birth (in which case the father's name and occupation are usually given); by apprenticeship to a freeman (the master's name and occupation being given); or by order of assembly. Both the freemen and the masters listed are indexed here. The main abbreviations used are: B, freedom taken up by right of birth; I, freedom taken up by right of indenture; M. B., Mayor's Book; *, freedom granted by order of assembly.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Tradesmen of Chester
Inhabitants of London (1805)
Holden's Triennial Directory for 1805 to 1807 includes this 'London Alphabet. Private Residences'. About 10,000 people are recorded.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Inhabitants of London
Navy Officials and Clerks (1805)
Officials of the Admiralty Office at Charing Cross, the Marine Department, the Navy Office at Somerset House, Secretary's Office, Contract Office, Office for Bills of Account, Office for Seamen's Wages, Allotment Office, Surveyor's Office, Office for Examining the Treasurer's Accounts, Ticket Office, Office for Examining Storekeepers' Accounts, Office for Stores and Slops, Deptford, Woolwich, Chatham and Sheerness dockyards, the Navy Pay Office, the Victualling Office in Somerset Place, the High Court of Admiralty at Doctors Commons, and the bona fide Navy Agents, are listed in different sections of Holden's Triennial Directory of 1805 to 1807, and are indexed here.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Navy Officials and Clerks
Traders and professionals in London (1805)
Holden's Triennial Directory for 1805 to 1807 includes this 'London Alphabet of Businesses, Professions, &c.': coverage is good; about 30,000 individuals are recorded.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Traders and professionals in London
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