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Our indexes include entries for the spelling aubrey. In the period you have requested, we have the following 318 records (displaying 201 to 210): 

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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1848)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad. July to December 1848.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
Assignments of bankrupts' estates in England and Wales (1850)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of assignments of bankrupts' estates. Each entry gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), the date (in brackets), address and trade; followed by the names and addresses of the trustees to whom the estate was delivered, and the name and address of the solicitor. This is the index to the names of the bankrupts, from the issues from January to December 1850.
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Assignments of bankrupts' estates in England and Wales
Inhabitants of Lighthorne in Warwickshire (1850)
Francis White & Co.'s History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Warwickshire for 1850 lists nobility, gentry, clergy, other private residents, farmers and traders, hundred by hundred and village by village, with separate sections for the large towns.
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Inhabitants of Lighthorne in Warwickshire
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1851)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
National ArchivesInhabitants of Newington in Surrey (1851)
The 1851 census return for St Mary Newington, Surrey, registration district: St Peter Walworth sub-district: enumeration district 15: described as: "All that Part of the Parish of St. Mary Newington, which Comprises The West side of Portland St. from Liverpool St. to Walworth Common, North side of Walworth Common from Portland St. to Doctor St. (both sides), Smith St. (both sides), Cancel St. (both sides), Merrow St. (both sides) and Grantham Place". This area lay in the ecclesiastical district of St Peter Walworth, and in the borough of Lambeth. HO 107/1567. The addresses listed in the actual returns are 1 to 47 Portland Street, 2 to 37 Merrow Street (including Queen Elizabeth public house), 1 to 3 Grantham Street, 1 to 9 Grantham Place, 1 to 11 and 16 to 18 Smith Street, 1 to 13 and 24 Lower Doctor Street, 1 to 24 Cancel Street, 1 to 20 Upper Doctor Street, and 1 to 3 Portland Place.
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Inhabitants of Newington in Surrey
National ArchivesResidents of Charles Street, Westminster (1851)
In the 1851 census, Westminster superintendent registrar's district, St Margaret's registrar's district, enumeration district 4 comprised part of St Margaret's parish and St Margaret's ecclesiastical district in the city of Westminster. HO 107/1480
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Residents of Charles Street, Westminster
Private Residents in Greenwich, Woolwich &c. (1852)
W. Archdeacon's Greenwich and Woolwich Directory for 1852 (including Deptford, Blackheath, Lewisham, Charlton, Plumstead, Shooter's Hill, Lee,&c.) has two long alphabetical listings, commercial and private residents.
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Private Residents in Greenwich, Woolwich &c.
Insolvents in Prison in Queen's Prison, Borough Road, London (1853)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette was issued monthly on the 1st of each month. Volume 28, for 1853, comprises issues numbers 325 to 336. The contents, compiled from the official sources, are mainly summaries of proceedings in the bankruptcy and insolvency courts, names of creditors, dissolution of partnerships and similar matters that would be of interest to the commercial world and their solicitors. This section, entitled 'Estates vested in Provisional Assignees' lists insolvents whose cases were dealt with in the Insolvent Court, whether on their own petitions or those of creditors. These twelve monthly issues cover the proceedings of the court from 4 December 1852 to 26 November 1853. Within each session the insolvents are listed alphabetically by surname, with address, occupation, and the name of the prison in which then held.
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Insolvents in Prison in Queen's Prison, Borough Road, London
National ArchivesSailors of H. M. S. Britannia who fought at Inkerman (1854)
Sebastopol in the Crimea was the great Russian naval arsenal on the Black Sea. A combined assault by British, French and Turkish troops resulted in the reduction of Sebastopol and led to the Treaty of Paris of 27 April 1856, guaranteeing the independence of the Ottoman Empire. By Admiralty Order the Crimea Medal was awarded to sailors and marines present during the campaign, between 17 September 1854 (the first landing at Eupatoria) and 9 September 1855 (when the allies secured Sebastopol). Her Majesty's Ship Britannia, a 120-gun sailing ship, took part in the assault. Four clasps to this medal were awarded to the men present in the actions at Sebastopol itself, Inkerman, Balaklave (Balaclava) and (the sea of) Azoff. This is the roll for the sailors of the ship actually present at the battle of Inkerman, on 5 November 1854, where the Russian troops made an ultimately unsuccessful attack on the allied army.
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Sailors of H. M. S. Britannia who fought at Inkerman
National ArchivesSailors of H. M. S. Britannia who fought at Sebastopol (1854)
Sebastopol in the Crimea was the great Russian naval arsenal on the Black Sea. A combined assault by British, French and Turkish troops resulted in the reduction of Sebastopol and led to the Treaty of Paris of 27 April 1856, guaranteeing the independence of the Ottoman Empire. By Admiralty Order the Crimea Medal was awarded to sailors and marines present during the campaign, between 17 September 1854 (the first landing at Eupatoria) and 9 September 1855 (when the allies secured Sebastopol). Her Majesty's Ship Britannia, a 120-gun sailing ship, took part in the assault. Four clasps to this medal were awarded to the men present in the actions at Sebastopol itself, Inkerman, Balaklave (Balaclava) and (the sea of) Azoff. Here we have the list of the men from the ship who served as part of the naval brigade that actually fought at Sebastopol (Sevastopol, Sevastapol).
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Sailors of H. M. S. Britannia who fought at Sebastopol
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