Bonnici Surname Ancestry ResultsOur indexes 1000-1999 include entries for the spelling 'bonnici'. In the period you have requested, we have the following 8 records (displaying 1 to 8): Buy all | | Get all 8 records to view, to save and print for £58.00 |
These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Sailors and marines on H. M. S. Britannia in the Crimean War
(1854-1856) Sebastopol in the Crimea was the great Russian naval arsenal on the Black Sea. A combined assault by British, French and Turkish troops resulted in the reduction of Sebastopol and led to the Treaty of Paris of 27 April 1856, guaranteeing the independence of the Ottoman Empire. By Admiralty Order the Crimea Medal was awarded to sailors and marines present during the campaign, between 17 September 1854 (the first landing at Eupatoria) and 9 September 1855 (when the allies secured Sebastopol). The sailors' medals were mostly delivered to them on board ship in the course of 1856; the marines' medals were sent to their respective headquarters for distribution. The remarks as to distribution in this medal roll therefore give more specific information as to the whereabouts of the sailor recipients in 1856 than about the marines. Her Majesty's Ship Britannia, a 120-gun sailing ship, took part in the assault. Four clasps to this medal were awarded to the men present in the actions at Sebastopol itself, Inkerman, Balaklave (Balaclava) and (the sea of) Azoff, but the recipients of these clasps are recorded on separate rolls, not part of this index, but indexed on this site.BONNICI. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Sailors and marines on H. M. S. Hannibal in the Crimean War
(1854-1856) Sebastopol in the Crimea was the great Russian naval arsenal on the Black Sea. A combined assault by British, French and Turkish troops resulted in the reduction of Sebastopol and led to the Treaty of Paris of 27 April 1856, guaranteeing the independence of the Ottoman Empire. By Admiralty Order the Crimea Medal was awarded to sailors and marines present during the campaign, between 17 September 1854 (the first landing at Eupatoria) and 9 September 1855 (when the allies secured Sebastopol). The sailors' medals were mostly delivered to them on board ship in the course of 1856; the marines' medals were sent to their respective headquarters for distribution. The remarks as to distribution in this medal roll therefore give more specific information as to the whereabouts of the sailor recipients in 1856 than about the marines. Her Majesty's Ship Hannibal, a 90-gun screw steamer, took part in the assault. Four clasps to this medal were awarded to the men present in the actions at Sebastopol itself, Inkerman, Balaklave (Balaclava) and (the sea of) Azoff, but the recipients of these clasps are recorded on separate rolls, not part of this index, but indexed on this site. This index also covers Mortar Boat No. 13, the Hannibal's tender.BONNICI. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Sailors and marines on H. M. S. Spitfire in the Crimean War
(1854-1856) Sebastopol in the Crimea was the great Russian naval arsenal on the Black Sea. A combined assault by British, French and Turkish troops resulted in the reduction of Sebastopol and led to the Treaty of Paris of 27 April 1856, guaranteeing the independence of the Ottoman Empire. By Admiralty Order the Crimea Medal was awarded to sailors and marines present during the campaign, between 17 September 1854 (the first landing at Eupatoria) and 9 September 1855 (when the allies secured Sebastopol). The sailors' medals were mostly delivered to them on board ship in the course of 1856; the marines' medals were sent to their respective headquarters for distribution. The remarks as to distribution in this medal roll therefore give more specific information as to the whereabouts of the sailor recipients in 1856 than about the marines. Her Majesty's Ship Spitfire, a 5-gun steam vessel, took part in the assault. Four clasps to this medal were awarded to the men present in the actions at Sebastopol itself, Inkerman, Balaklave (Balaclava) and (the sea of) Azoff, but the recipients of these clasps are recorded on separate rolls, not part of this index, but indexed on this site.BONNICI. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Outstanding soldiers of the Malta Fencibles
(1860-1870) Each year outstanding soldiers were chosen for good conduct medals and gratuities: these are listed here. There were two lists, one for men recommended for the Good Conduct Medal without a gratuity, and one for gratuities - £5 to a private, £10 to a corporal, and £15 to a serjeant. Both lists are indexed here, and each gives rank, name, regimental number, date of recommendation and date of issue. (The sample scan is from the 105th foot)BONNICI. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| British artillerymen fighting in Egypt
(1882) The war medal roll for the Egyptian campaign of 1882 is annotated to show those men actually present at Tel-el-Kebir, and thereby also entitled to the Tel-el-Kebir clasp. In addition, there follows an almost duplicate roll of men entitled to the Bronze Star granted by the Khedive of Egypt in recognition of the campaign. Several brigades of Royal Artillery took part in the operations.BONNICI. Cost: £8.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Unclaimed Shares of Special Gratuities for Naval Service in Egypt and the Soudan
(1882-1885) Various gratuities were awarded to officers and men who served on board her Majesty's ships during the wars in Egypt and Soudan. The Achilles, Agincourt, Alexandria, Beacon, Bittern, Carysfort, Chester, Cockatrice, Condor, Coquette, Cygnet, Decoy, Dee, Don, Dragon, Eclipse, Euphrates, Euryalus, Falcon, Hecla, Helicon, Humber, Inconstant, Inflexible, Invincible, Iris, Malabar, Minotaur, Monarch, Mosquito, Northumberland, Orion, Orontes, Penelope, Ready, Ruby, Salamis, Seagull, Seahorse, Sultan, Superb, Supply, Tamar, Temeraire, Thalia, Tourmaline and Wye were engaged in the Egypt Operations of 1882; the Arab, Briton, Carysfort, Decoy, Dryad, Euryalus, Hecla, Humber, Jumna, Orontes, Ranger, Serapis and Sphinx in the Soudan Operations of 1884; and the Albacore, Briton, Carysfort, Condor, Coquette, Cygnet, Dolphin, Falcon, Helicon, Humber, Iris, Myrmidon, Rambler, Ranger, Sphinx, Starling, Turquoise, Tyne and Woodlark in the Soudan and Nile Operations of 1884 to 1885. Some of these gratuities remained undistributed by 1902, when this comprehensive list of the unclaimed moneys was printed. In each case the sailor's name is given first (surname, then christian name or initials); rank or rating; ship in which serving at time of capture or award; and amount of award (usually £2 or £5).BONNICI. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Killed in action at Jutland Bank
(1916) Roll of the officers and men of the Royal Navy killed in action at Jutland Bank, 31st May 1916BONNICI. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Imperial Service Medal
(1935) Awards by king George V of the Imperial Service Medal to officers of the Home Civil Service. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian name(s), with office or rank in the service. BONNICI. Cost: £6.00. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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