Add this eBook to your basket to receive access to all 150 records. Our indexes include entries for the spelling teal. In the period you have requested, we have the following 150 records (displaying 51 to 60): These sample scans are from the original record. You will get scans of the full pages or articles where the surname you searched for has been found. Your web browser may prevent the sample windows from opening; in this case please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from this site. Boys entering Leeds Grammar School
(1829) The admission books for Leeds Grammar School from 1820 to 1900 were edited by Edmund Wilson and published in 1906. The series of registers is almost complete for the period, there being in addition admission registers for the Lower (or Commercial) Department from 1856 to 1865, and lists of boys in the school in 1856, and in the Commercial Department in 1861. The entries are arranged by date or term of admission: a sequential number is given first, then surname, christian name, and, after a dash, father's christian name, occupation, and address; another dash, and then the age of the boy at admission, and often his year of leaving (with the abbreviation r. for 'removed' or 'left'). r.* means left without notice; (o) or S. or Stranger or Foreigner indicates a boy not on the foundation. The editor was unable to divine the meaning of the abbreviation (Q) or the asterisks prefixed to most entries in 1856 to 1860, but dutifully copies them into the text. In smaller type he then proceeds, where possible, to add some information about the boy's subsequent career. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Inhabitants of Somerset
(1830) Pigot & Co.'s National Commercial Directory lists traders, farmers and private residents in the county. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
(1831) Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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| Merchants, Bankers, Shipowners and Traders of London
(1834) The public prints of December 1834 carried this loyal address to king William IV of merchants, bankers, shipowners, traders and others connected with the city of London, requesting 'permission at the present juncture to address your Majesty for the purpose of renewing the expression of our dutiful and loyal attachment to your Majesty’s person and crown. Deeply sensible of the practical blessings we have hitherto enjoyed under our wisely mixed constitution of King, Lords, and Commons, and feeling that the free and legitimate exercise of the Royal prerogative forms an integral part of that constitution (as essential to the maintenance of our own liberties as to the power and dignity of the Throne), we beg humbly to assure your Majesty of our determination steadfastly to uphold the same by every means in our power.
'Feeling, in common with all classes of your Majesty’s subjects, the deep importance of applying to all real abuses, wherever they may be found, a wholesome and timely correction, and of effecting in our excellent institutions every improvement of which careful examination and experience may prove them to be susceptible, we desire further dutifully to express our entire confidence that these useful purposes will ever occupy your Majesty’s paternal care. Nor can we permit ourselves to believe that the importance of these objects will be less apparent to those to whom the powers of government have been recently intrusted.'
Full names are given (or surname with initials), and address. Over 5000 subscribed.
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| Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1839) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
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| Trustees and Solicitors
(1839) Trustees appointed to take over bankrupts' estates in England and Wales, and their solicitors. Trustees are often friends or relatives of the bankrupt: and/or principal creditors
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| Dissolutions of Partnerships
(1842) Trade partnerships dissolved, or the removal of one partner from a partnership of several traders, in England and Wales
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| Subscribers to Willcolkes and Fryers' Arithmetic: Leeds
(1843) 'The United New and Much Admired System of Arithmetic and Mental Calculations, of Doctor Willcolkes and Messrs. T. and T. W. Fryer; Being the Result of Many Years’ Study. Eighth Edition, Much Enlarged and Carefully Revised' was published in 1843 in Derby. The list of subscribers includes sections for Ashton, Beverley, Boston, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Grantham, Halifax, Heckmondwike, Huddersfield, Hull, Ireland, Leeds, Lincoln, Liverpool, Manchester, Newark, Oldham, Rochdale, Rotherham, Sheffield, Stalybridge, Stamford, Stockport, Wakefield, Warrington, as well as separate lists of bankers and principals of seminaries. More precise addresses are rarely given, christian names hardly ever.
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| Electors for Armley
(1848) On 14 and 15 December 1848 an election took place for a Knight of the Shire for the West Riding of Yorkshire in the House of Commons. The candidates were Edmund Denison and sir Culling Eardley Eardley, gaining 14,743 and 11,795 votes respectively. The county franchise at this period included freeholders of land worth 40s or more a year; £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders; and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. This poll book was published in 1849.
Former poll books had been compiled from the sheriff's returns; but as these were now transmitted to the Home Office immediately after an election, in this instance the polling was marked from the check-clerk's returns, carefully compared with the registers marked in the poll booths at the time of voting.
The votes for the respective candidates are indicated by the numerals 1 (Denison) and 2 (Eardley). The omission of these numerals indicates that the elector did not vote. Many names which appear on the register of particular townships are completely omitted in this poll book: in all these cases, the same name will be found recorded in some other township, the elector having two or more qualifications. In such cases, his name only appears in the poll book in the actual township for which he chose to vote; or, if he did not vote at all, in that township for which he was qualified that lay closest to his actual residence.
The townships are arranged alphabetically within polling district; and within each township the names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian name, and the elector's residence is given. Many of the electors resided outside the township for which they were qualified - some in other counties. Moreover, at the end of each polling district there is a list of persons registered to poll in that district, from townships is other districts. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
| Electors for Burley in Wharfdale
(1848) On 14 and 15 December 1848 an election took place for a Knight of the Shire for the West Riding of Yorkshire in the House of Commons. The candidates were Edmund Denison and sir Culling Eardley Eardley, gaining 14,743 and 11,795 votes respectively. The county franchise at this period included freeholders of land worth 40s or more a year; £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders; and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. This poll book was published in 1849.
Former poll books had been compiled from the sheriff's returns; but as these were now transmitted to the Home Office immediately after an election, in this instance the polling was marked from the check-clerk's returns, carefully compared with the registers marked in the poll booths at the time of voting.
The votes for the respective candidates are indicated by the numerals 1 (Denison) and 2 (Eardley). The omission of these numerals indicates that the elector did not vote. Many names which appear on the register of particular townships are completely omitted in this poll book: in all these cases, the same name will be found recorded in some other township, the elector having two or more qualifications. In such cases, his name only appears in the poll book in the actual township for which he chose to vote; or, if he did not vote at all, in that township for which he was qualified that lay closest to his actual residence.
The townships are arranged alphabetically within polling district; and within each township the names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian name, and the elector's residence is given. Many of the electors resided outside the township for which they were qualified - some in other counties. Moreover, at the end of each polling district there is a list of persons registered to poll in that district, from townships is other districts. | Sample scan, click to enlarge
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