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Our indexes include entries for the spelling johnson. In the period you have requested, we have the following 5,708 records (displaying 3,831 to 3,840): 

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Voters for Alconbury (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for Alconbury
Voters for Colne (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for Colne
Voters for Fenstanton (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for Fenstanton
Voters for Pidley cum Fenton (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for Pidley cum Fenton
Voters for Ramsey (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for Ramsey
Voters for St Ives, Huntingdonshire (1857)
A poll for the election of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Huntingdon took place 2 April 1857: the candidates were James Rust (1192 votes), Edward Fellowes (1106) and John Moyer Heathcote (1106). This poll book lists those electors who voted, described as 'freeholders', although the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. The names are arranged by parish or township, and the residence of each voter is given. Many of these freeholders did not live in the place from which they acquired the right to vote. The right-hand column indicates how they voted.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters for St Ives, Huntingdonshire
Voters in Wimborne district of Dorset (1857)
The poll book of the county of Dorset for the general election of 3 April 1857 lists all the actual voters: the first column gives the man's number on the electoral register; then the voter's name in full (surname first); residence; qualification (C. for Copyhold, F. for Freehold, L. for Leasehold, O. for Occupier), and then 1s for the votes cast (Se for Henry Ker Seymer, F for Mr Floyer, St for Henry G Sturt, P for William H Berkley Portman).
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Voters in Wimborne district of Dorset
National ArchivesOutstanding British artillerymen (1854-1858)
Non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Artillery recommended for good conduct medals and gratuities. The lists state rank, name, battalion or corps, date of recommendation, date awarded, and total length of service (in years and days), with length of foreign service (in years and months) and as serjeant and staff serjeant (in years and months). The lists themselves are basically of recommendations, then annotated to show award of medal and/or gratuity, which in most cases naturally followed. Where an award was not made, the reason is usually given. Where a man's name is crossed through it should not be assumed that he was deleted from the list: sometimes the name is crossed through when the medal has been dispatched. (The sample scan is from 1847)
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Outstanding British artillerymen
Anglican Clergy in England and Wales (1858)
The Clergy List for 1858 includes this comprehensive list of Anglican clergymen in England and Wales, whether beneficed or not. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname, and christian name or initials, with degree, and current office.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Anglican Clergy in England and Wales
Assignees of bankrupts' estates in England and Wales (1858)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of assignees of bankrupts' estates. Each entry gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), and trade; followed by the names, addresses and trades of the assignees to whom the estate was delivered. This is the index to the names of the assignees, from the issues from January to December 1858.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Assignees of bankrupts' estates in England and Wales
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