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Boys entering Manchester Grammar School (1912)
This Biographical Register of Old Mancunians lists boys alphabetically by year of entering the school. A bare register of entrants existed from 1888 onwards but it was only since the Second World War that any kind of detailed record was kept of those who passed through the school. So, in every case in this printed register, full name is given, in bold, surname first (in capitals); date of birth, and years attending the school; but for the earlier years sometimes there is no more information - or, equally, after investigation among Old Mancunians and published sources, the editors may have been able to furnish a condensed biography. An asterisk indicates a holder of a Foundation Scholarship. In the later years a current address is also given, as of 1964 to 1965, when the book was prepared.
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Boys entering Manchester Grammar School
Boys entering Sherborne School (1912)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
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Boys entering Sherborne School
Estates of the Deceased: Cheshire (1912)
Notices re claims on estates of the deceased, mostly pursuant to 22 & 23 Vic. c.35, An Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees, also known as the Law of Property Amendment Act. These notices usually give the full name and final address of the deceased, date of death, where the will was proved or administration granted, and the full names of the executors or administrators. Also included in this index are some other similar notices relating to claims on such estates. October 1912.
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Estates of the Deceased: Cheshire
Estates of the Deceased: Lancashire (1912)
Notices re claims on estates of the deceased, mostly pursuant to 22 & 23 Vic. c.35, An Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees, also known as the Law of Property Amendment Act. These notices usually give the full name and final address of the deceased, date of death, where the will was proved or administration granted, and the full names of the executors or administrators. Also included in this index are some other similar notices relating to claims on such estates. October 1912.
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Estates of the Deceased: Lancashire
Estates of the Deceased: Yorkshire (1912)
Notices re claims on estates of the deceased, mostly pursuant to 22 & 23 Vic. c.35, An Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees, also known as the Law of Property Amendment Act. These notices usually give the full name and final address of the deceased, date of death, where the will was proved or administration granted, and the full names of the executors or administrators. Also included in this index are some other similar notices relating to claims on such estates. October 1912.
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Estates of the Deceased: Yorkshire
Proprietors of Property in London (1912)
The Land Registry return of 'Persons about to be registered as Proprietors of Properies with Absolute or Good Leasehold Title' under the Land Transfer Acts of 1875 and 1897 gives: the number of title; county; parish or place; name and short description of the land; whether freehold or leasehold; the full name of the proprietor, with address and description. October 1912.
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Proprietors of Property in London
Boys entering Harrow School (1913)
This Second Volume of the Second Series of the Harrow School Register was edited by J. H. Stogdon and published in 1925. The boys are listed by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname and christian names (in bold). Next, in brackets and in italics, is the school house to which he belonged - or, H. B. indicating a day boy whose family lived in Harrow. Stogdon then gives the father's surname and initials, and address. In cases where the boy was prominent in sports at school, or won academic prizes, scholarships &c., that is given; then the year of leaving the school; a synopsis of his career; and, where known, his address as of 1925, in italics.
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Boys entering Harrow School
Boys entering Manchester Grammar School (1913)
This Biographical Register of Old Mancunians lists boys alphabetically by year of entering the school. A bare register of entrants existed from 1888 onwards but it was only since the Second World War that any kind of detailed record was kept of those who passed through the school. So, in every case in this printed register, full name is given, in bold, surname first (in capitals); date of birth, and years attending the school; but for the earlier years sometimes there is no more information - or, equally, after investigation among Old Mancunians and published sources, the editors may have been able to furnish a condensed biography. An asterisk indicates a holder of a Foundation Scholarship. In the later years a current address is also given, as of 1964 to 1965, when the book was prepared.
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Boys entering Manchester Grammar School
Civil Servants and Office Holders (1913)
The Imperial Calendar gives lists of officials and office-holders throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Civil Servants and Office Holders
Naturalizations (1913)
The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization or Readmission to British Nationality had been granted by the Secretary of State under the provisions of 33 Vic. cap. 14 and been registered in the Home Office pursuant to the act during each previous month. These notices, from January to December 1913, refer to naturalizations from December 1912 to November 1913. The lists give full name, surname first; country of origin; date of taking the oath of allegiance; and place of residence. An asterisk indicates that the person was currently serving in a British ship.
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