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Our indexes include entries for the spelling hatherley. In the period you have requested, we have the following 61 records (displaying 11 to 20): 

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National ArchivesClerks and apprentices (1782)
Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 2 January to 31 December 1782. IR 1/31
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Clerks and apprentices
Hanley and Shelton Directory (1818)
The Staffordshire General and Commercial Directory was published by W. Parson and T. Bradshaw in 1818 in sections, the first seven relating to the north of the county: 1. Newcastle-under-Lyme; 2. Golden Hill, Tunstall &c. (including Talk'o'th'Hill, Red Street, Chesterton, Greenfield, Sandiford, New Field and Brown Hills); 3. Burslem &c. (including Longport, Cobridge and Hot Lane); 4. Hanley and Shelton; 5. Stoke, Etruria and Penkhull; 6. Lane End &c. (including Fenton and Lane Delph); 7. Leek. In each section the traders are listed alphabetically under surname, with occupation and address.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Hanley and Shelton Directory
Inhabitants of Devon (1830)
Pigot & Co.'s National Commercial Directory lists traders, farmers and private residents in the county.
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Inhabitants of Devon
Bankrupts' Assignments (1835)
Assignments of bankrupts' estates (usually to principal creditors and/or close relatives of the bankrupt) in England and Wales
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Bankrupts' Assignments
National ArchivesBritish merchant seamen (1835-1836)
At this period, the foreign trade of ships plying to and from the British isles involved about 150,000 men on 15,000 ships; and the coasting trade about a quarter as many more. A large proportion of the seamen on these ships were British subjects, and so liable to be pressed for service in the Royal Navy; but there was no general register by which to identify them, so in 1835 parliament passed a Merchant Seamen's Registration Bill. Under this act this large register of British seamen was compiled, based on ships' crew lists gathered in British and Irish ports, and passed up to the registry in London. Each seaman was assigned a number, and the names were arranged in the register by first two letters of the surname (our sample scan shows one of the pages for 'Sm'); in addition, an attempt was made to separate out namesakes by giving the first instance of a name (a), the second (b), and so on. But no effective method was devised to prevent the same man being registered twice as he appeared in a second crew list; moreover, the original crew lists were clearly difficult for the registry clerks to copy, and some of the surname spellings appear to be corrupted. A parliamentary committee decided that the system devised did not answer the original problem, and this register was abandoned after less than two years: but it is an apparently comprehensive source for British merchant seamen in 1835 to 1836. The register records the number assigned to each man; his name; age; birthplace; quality (master, captain, mate, 2nd mate, mariner, seaman, fisherman, cook, carpenter, boy &c.); and the name and home port of his ship, with the date of the crew list (usually at the end of a voyage). Most of the men recorded were born in the British Isles, but not all (for instance, Charleston and Stockholm appear in the sample scan). The final column 'How disposed of' is rarely used, and indicates those instances where a man died, was discharged, or deserted his ship during the voyage.
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British merchant seamen
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1837)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
People mentioned in cases heard in the Court of Queen's Bench (1839)
John Leycester Adolphus of the Inner Temple and Thomas Flower Ellis of the Middle Temple, barristers-at-law, prepared reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench. This is the volume for Hilary term and vacation of the 2nd year of queen Victoria, but also including the long and important case Stockdale against Hansard (as to whether the printing of parliamentary papers was subject to the laws of libel). They normally set out for each case a narrative of the evidence presented to the court; then the arguments of the counsel for both sides, usually with reference to legal precedents; and then the judgment, in detail. The evidence in these cases is often extensive, and of historical and genealogical interest; the incidents leading up to the suits usually took place in the preceding ten years or so, but in some cases the narrative stretches back much further, even to the 12th century. This is the index to the stray names, not of the principal parties or the lawyers involved, mentioned in the circumstances of the cases.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
People mentioned in cases heard in the Court of Queen's Bench
Petitioning Creditors and Solicitors (1842)
Principal creditors petitioning to force a bankruptcy (but often close relatives of the bankrupt helping to protect his assets): and solicitors
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Petitioning Creditors and Solicitors
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1843)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
Petitioning Creditors and Solicitors (1843)
Principal creditors petitioning to force a bankruptcy (but often close relatives of the bankrupt helping to protect his assets): and solicitors
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Petitioning Creditors and Solicitors
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