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Our indexes include entries for the spelling cattell. In the period you have requested, we have the following 268 records (displaying 91 to 100): 

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Bankruptcy Dividends (1835)
Dividends from bankrupts' estates
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Bankruptcy Dividends
Bankrupts (1835)
Bankruptcy notices for England and Wales: bankruptcy often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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Bankrupts' Assignees (1835)
Assignees of bankrupts' estates (usually principal creditors and/or close relatives of the bankrupt)
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Bankrupts' Assignees
Electors in Westerham (1835)
A poll to elect knights of the shire to represent the Western Division of the county of Kent in parliament was held in 1835, the candidates being Thomas Law Hodges (H), Thomas Rider (R) and sir William R. P. Geary (G). The poll started on January 19th; Rider withdrawing his name on that first day, the poll was closed prematurely, many electors not yet having voted. This poll book lists all the electors, whether they voted or not; the county franchise included not only male freeholders of 40s a year, but also £10 copyholders and long-leaseholders, and £50 short-leaseholders and tenants. For each elector the full name is given (surname first) and residence (often not the place for which qualified to vote). Votes are indicated by dashes in the right-hand columns.
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Electors in Westerham
Poachers committed to prison at Warwick (1833-1836)
In response to a parliamentary enquiry, returns were made in early 1836 from each of the gaols in England and Wales of the number of commitments, prosecutions, convictions and sentences under the game laws since 1 November 1833. The returns varied in scope; most give the full name of each poacher, date, and sentence. The usual offence is that of 'poaching', i. e. being out armed in the night in pursuit of game; occasionally it was aggravated by assaulting a gamekeeper &c.
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Poachers committed to prison at Warwick
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1836)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
Trustees and Solicitors (1837)
Trustees appointed to take over bankrupts' estates in England and Wales, and their solicitors. Trustees are often friends or relatives of the bankrupt: and/or principal creditors
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Trustees and Solicitors
Shareholders of the Shropshire Banking Company (1838)
The provincial banks of England and Wales made annual returns to the Stamp Office of their proprietors or shareholders. These returns, registered in March 1838, from the 103 banks then in existence, contain the full names and addresses of nearly 30,000 shareholders.
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Shareholders of the Shropshire Banking Company
Shareholders of the Warwick and Leamington Banking Company (1838)
The provincial banks of England and Wales made annual returns to the Stamp Office of their proprietors or shareholders. These returns, registered in March 1838, from the 103 banks then in existence, contain the full names and addresses of nearly 30,000 shareholders.
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Shareholders of the Warwick and Leamington Banking Company
Trustees and Solicitors (1838)
Trustees appointed to take over bankrupts' estates in England and Wales, and their solicitors. Trustees are often friends or relatives of the bankrupt: and/or principal creditors
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Trustees and Solicitors
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