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Unclaimed Naval Prize Money (1855-1902)
Various prize moneys were awarded to officers and men who served on board her Majesty's ships. For one reason or another a substantial number of these prizes, from as little as a shilling or two to as much as many pounds, remained undistributed by 1902, when this comprehensive list of the unclaimed moneys was printed: it lists unclaimed shares of prize money, slave and pirate bounties, salvage awards, parliamentary grants, gratuities and other moneys distributed by the Admiralty 1855 to 1902, but which omits moneys for service on the China Station during the war of 1856 to 1880, and special gratuities for service in Egypt (1882), Soudan (1884) and Soudan and Nile Expedition (1884-1885), for which there are separate indexes. In each case the sailor's name is given first (surname, then christian name or initials); rank or rating; ship in which serving at time of capture or award; and the amount due.
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Unclaimed Naval Prize Money
Carpenters Excluded from their Union: Newcastle-on-Tyne (1907)
The 48th annual report of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, from December 1906 to December 1907, gives lists of members excluded from the union: the great majority for arrears of membership fees, but some for 'non-payment of entrance money'; 'for working contrary to the society's interest'; 'false declaration of entry'; 'imposing on the society's funds'; 'withholding the funds of the society'; 'violating rule while on sick benefit'; 'bringing the society into discredit'; and 'members who have paid up and resigned'.
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Carpenters Excluded from their Union: Newcastle-on-Tyne (1907)
Members of Durham University (1910)
The alphabetical list of all living members of Durham University, issued in 1910, was compiled from the Admission Book and University Register. It gives surname, initials, degree, college, and date. Those marked with an asterisk were Members of Convocation. In the case of graduates in Arts, Theology (except in the case of Bachelors of Divinity) and Civil Law, the dates refer to the year in which the examination for the degree of B.A. was passed; in the case of Bachelors of Divinity who were not Graduates in Arts, of Licentiates in Theology, of Civil Engineers, and of Licentiates in Medicine, to the year in which each passed the Final Examination. In the case of Hygiene, Science, and Music, to the year in which the Examination for B.Hy., B.Sc., or B.Mus. was passed; and in the case of Graduates in Medicine to the year in which the Examination for the degree of M.B. was passed, except in the case of practitioners, when the date refers to the year in which the examination for the degree specified was passed. In cases where no date is given the degree is Ad Eundem, unless it is marked honorary. The abbreviations are: Arms., Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Codr., Codrington College, Barbados; Cos., Bishop Cosin's Hall; F. Bay, Fourah Bay, Sierra Leone; Hatf., Bishop Hatfield's Hall; Med., College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St. Chad's, St Chad's Hall; St. John's, St John's Hall; Univ., University College.
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Members of Durham University
Naval Officers (1920)
The alphabetical list of officers on the Active List of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (RM) and of the Retired and Emergency Officers serving gives: number of ship or where otherwise serving; name (surname, first christian name and initials); rank; and the dates of their seniority. This is the list from the March 1920 edition of the Navy List, corrected to 18 February 1920.
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Naval Officers
Boys entering Sherborne School (1924)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
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Boys entering Sherborne School
Medical Practitioners in the Provinces (1926)
The Medical Directory was split into several sections. The Provinces section covered all medical practitioners resident in England outside the London postal district (except those in Monmouthsire, who were listed under Wales). Each year a schedule was sent to each doctor to be returned to the publishers, so as to keep the directory up to date. In the directory the doctor's name is given first, in bold, surname first, in capitals; then current address. Next are the qualifications; the italic abbreviations in parentheses following the qualifications indicate the medical school at which they were gained. Then there is a list of posts and honours within the profession, starting with those then current; previous posts are preceded by the word 'late'. Finally, brief details are given of any publications.
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Medical Practitioners in the Provinces
Boys entering Sherborne School (1927)
The grammar school at Sherborne in Dorset, which doubtless existed from the creation of the diocese of Sherborne in 705, was refounded by king Edward VI in 1550. At the quatercentenary in 1950, a fourth edition of the Sherborne Register was published, listing boys entering the school during those four centuries. In truth, the materials for this register survive but fitfully before 1823; for some years, no names are known; sometimes all that is known is a surname. But from 1823 onwards the lists and the details get steadily more comprehensive. By the 20th century the boys are listed alphabetically by surname under term of entrance. Surname is given in bold, then christian names, name of father (surname and initials) and address; year of birth; house (a, School House; b, Abbey House; c, The Green; d, Harper House (formerly The Retreat); f, Abbeylands; g, Lyon House; h, Westcott House); whether represented the school at cricket (xi), football (xv), shooting (viii), &c.; year of leaving; summary of degrees, career &c.; and (in italics), address as of 1950. Names in the early lists marked with an asterisk are found inscribed on the oak panelling or on the stone walls of the former schoolroom. (F) in the lists indicates a foundationer, receiving free education: after 1827, when this privilege was restricted to boys from Sherborne and neighbourhood, nearly all foundationers were day-boys.
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Boys entering Sherborne School
British Civil Servants (1935)
The British Imperial Calendar lists civil servants in Britain, arranged according to the organizational structure of the state, and shows their qualifications and salaries.
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British Civil Servants
Inhabitants of Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich, Eltham and Mottingham (1937)
Kelly's Directory of Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich, Eltham &c. includes this directory of private residents, listed alphabetically by surname and christian name, with address, covering an area extending from the river Thames on the north to Mottingham and Grove Park on the south, and from Eltham on the east to Deptford Creek and Hither Green on the west. These abbreviations are used in the addresses: B, Blackheath; D, Deptford; E G, East Greenwich; G, Greenwich; L, Lee; and Lew, Lewisham.
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Inhabitants of Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich, Eltham and Mottingham
British Civil Servants (1940)
The British Imperial Calendar lists civil servants in Britain, arranged according to the organizational structure of the state, and shows their qualifications and salaries.
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British Civil Servants
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