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Our indexes include entries for the spelling straight. In the period you have requested, we have the following 56 records (displaying 21 to 30): 

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National ArchivesMasters of apprentices and clerks (1800)
Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 2 January to 31 December 1800. IR 1/38
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Masters of apprentices and clerks
National ArchivesMasters of apprentices and clerks (1801)
Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 2 January to 31 December 1801. IR 1/38
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Masters of apprentices and clerks
National ArchivesMasters of apprentices and clerks (1802)
Apprenticeship indentures and clerks' articles were subject to a 6d or 12d per pound stamp duty: the registers of the payments usually give the master's trade, address, and occupation, and the apprentice's name, as well as details of the date and length of the apprenticeship. 3 June to 31 December 1802. IR 1/39
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Masters of apprentices and clerks
Essex Freeholders: Chelmsford hundred (1810)
The poll of the freeholders of Essex at the election of a knight of the shire to serve in Parliament, taken at Chelmsford 31 January 1810 and fourteen following days (Sundays excepted). The candidates were John Archer Houblon esquire and Montagu Burgoyne esquire. This poll book gives the names of the voters arranged by initial letter of surname division by division. The freeholders' full names are stated, surname first, residence (often elsewhere), and place where the freehold lay. The right hand column records their votes. The qualification for suffrage in the counties was the possession of a freehold estate worth more than 40s a year. The electoral divisions comprised these hundreds: I. Barstable and Chafford; II. Becontree and Waltham; III. Chelmsford; IV. Hinckford; V. Tendring; VI. Uttleford, Clavering and Dunmow; VII. Harlow, Ongar and Freshwell; VIII. Lexden, Colchester and Witham; IX. Rochford and Thurstable; X. Dengie and Winstree.
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Essex Freeholders: Chelmsford hundred
Subscribers to Spiritual Recreations (1821)
'Spiritual Recreations in the Chamber of Affliction: or Pious Meditations in Verse; written during A protracted Illness of Thirteen Years' by Eliza (Garrington of Burnham in Essex), was published in London in 1821. The subscription list is mainly drawn from Essex and London: it indicates those (marked with an asterisk) who bought the superfine paper edition, and those who bought more than one copy. The names are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian name, with addresses.
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Subscribers to Spiritual Recreations
Supporters of Sparrow, Hanbury & Co. Banks: Chelmsford &c. (1825)
Just before Christmas in 1825 a notice was issued, signed by local traders, assuring the public of the perfect soundness and stability of the banks of Sparrow, Hanbury & Co. in Essex, and stating their readiness to receive the notes of the same in all payments. The list of signatories is in five sections: Braintree, Bocking &c.; Bardfield, Finchingfield, Thaxted, &c.; Witham &c.; Coggeshall; and Chelmsford, &c.
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Supporters of Sparrow, Hanbury & Co. Banks: Chelmsford &c.
Maldon Poll: Voters Resident in Maldon and the country (1826)
On 7 June 1826 and the fourteen following days (Sundays excepted) a poll was held to elect Members of Parliament to represent the borough of Maldon in Essex. The candidates were the Hon. George Mark Arthur Way Allanson Winn (W) of Warley Lodge, who received 1747 votes; Thomas Barrett Lennard (L) esquire of Regent's Park, London, 1454 (or 1455) votes; and Quintin Dick (D) esquire of Curson Street, London, 1401. In all 3113 electors were polled, 2527 living in Maldon and the country, 586 in London and its environs. This poll book is divided into two sections, the 586 voters from London &c being listed separately. The names are listed alphabetically by surname, then christian name(s), occupation (in italics), address; and the right-hand column shows the votes cast. Those who did not vote are not listed.
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Maldon Poll: Voters Resident in Maldon and the country
Merchants, Bankers, Shipowners and Traders of London (1834)
The public prints of December 1834 carried this loyal address to king William IV of merchants, bankers, shipowners, traders and others connected with the city of London, requesting 'permission at the present juncture to address your Majesty for the purpose of renewing the expression of our dutiful and loyal attachment to your Majesty’s person and crown. Deeply sensible of the practical blessings we have hitherto enjoyed under our wisely mixed constitution of King, Lords, and Commons, and feeling that the free and legitimate exercise of the Royal prerogative forms an integral part of that constitution (as essential to the maintenance of our own liberties as to the power and dignity of the Throne), we beg humbly to assure your Majesty of our determination steadfastly to uphold the same by every means in our power. 'Feeling, in common with all classes of your Majesty’s subjects, the deep importance of applying to all real abuses, wherever they may be found, a wholesome and timely correction, and of effecting in our excellent institutions every improvement of which careful examination and experience may prove them to be susceptible, we desire further dutifully to express our entire confidence that these useful purposes will ever occupy your Majesty’s paternal care. Nor can we permit ourselves to believe that the importance of these objects will be less apparent to those to whom the powers of government have been recently intrusted.' Full names are given (or surname with initials), and address. Over 5000 subscribed.
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Merchants, Bankers, Shipowners and Traders of London
Kent crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: victims and witnesses (1836)
Henry Buckler copied in shorthand the proceedings of trials at the Central Criminal Court in London, and his transcripts were printed. This volume (iii), from 1836, covers sessions i to vi of the Copeland mayoralty of 1835 to 1836. The bulk of the cases were from London and Middlesex, with separate sections for Essex, Kent and Surrey, but, preceding all these, Capital Convictions. The names of the accused are annotated with an asterisk to show if they had previously been in custody; an obelisk indicates a known associate of bad characters. Most cases resulted in a guilty verdict, and a large proportion of these led to a sentence of transportation to Australia. This index covers the victims, witnesses (including constables) and others mentioned incidentally in the Kent cases of March 1836.
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Kent crimes tried at the Central Criminal Court: victims and witnesses
Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions (1839)
Death notices and obituaries, marriage and birth notices, civil and military promotions, clerical preferments and domestic occurrences, as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine. Mostly from England and Wales, but items from Ireland, Scotland and abroad.
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Deaths, Marriages, News and Promotions
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