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Our indexes include entries for the spelling maher. In the period you have requested, we have the following 281 records (displaying 211 to 220): 

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Members of music institutions (1905)
The calendar of the Trinity College of Music, London, for 1905-1906 includes a section listing institutions enrolled in union with the college (throughout the world) with names of secretaries; centres authorised by the board for the holding of local examinations in music, with names of secretaries; and the local centre committees, with names of chairmen, secretaries, and members of their boards.
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Members of music institutions
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1905)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1880, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'. This appendix to the list was issued in about 1905.
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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
Carpenters Excluded from their Union: Dublin (1907)
The 48th annual report of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, from December 1906 to December 1907, gives lists of members excluded from the union: the great majority for arrears of membership fees, but some for 'non-payment of entrance money'; 'for working contrary to the society's interest'; 'false declaration of entry'; 'imposing on the society's funds'; 'withholding the funds of the society'; 'violating rule while on sick benefit'; 'bringing the society into discredit'; and 'members who have paid up and resigned'.
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Carpenters Excluded from their Union: Dublin (1907)
Civil Servants and Office Holders (1907)
The Imperial Calendar gives lists of officials and office-holders throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Civil Servants and Office Holders
Civil Servants and Office Holders (1910)
The Imperial Calendar gives lists of officials and office-holders throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Civil Servants and Office Holders
Civil Servants and Office Holders (1913)
The Imperial Calendar gives lists of officials and office-holders throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
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Civil Servants and Office Holders
Naturalizations (1913)
The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization or Readmission to British Nationality had been granted by the Secretary of State under the provisions of 33 Vic. cap. 14 and been registered in the Home Office pursuant to the act during each previous month. These notices, from January to December 1913, refer to naturalizations from December 1912 to November 1913. The lists give full name, surname first; country of origin; date of taking the oath of allegiance; and place of residence. An asterisk indicates that the person was currently serving in a British ship.
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Naval Ratings Killed in 1915 (1915)
The monthly lists of Royal Navy ratings killed from the start of the Great War from January to December 1915 are arranged alphabetically by surname and christian names, with rank, and official number. The lists include marines, merchant navy, reservists, and a few civilian canteen staff also killed in the conflict. Full names are given, except for a few cases where a middle name is represented only by an initial.
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Naval Ratings Killed in 1915
War Services of British Army Officers (1915)
Hart's Annual Army List, Special Reserve List and Territorial Force List for 1915 includes this section entitled 'War Services of the Officers of the Active List', covering not only serving officers of the regular army, but also officers of the militia (marked (m)), special reserve (r), territorials (t), volunteers (v) and yeomanry (y). The detailed descriptions of the officers' war services relate not to the Great War, but to previous campaigns, particularly those in South Africa, Egypt, India and China. The regiment &c. in which the officer was currently serving is shown in brackets after his name.
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War Services of British Army Officers
Killed in action at Jutland Bank (1916)
Roll of the officers and men of the Royal Navy killed in action at Jutland Bank, 31st May 1916
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Killed in action at Jutland Bank
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