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Our indexes include entries for the spelling lyle. In the period you have requested, we have the following 332 records (displaying 231 to 240): 

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Scottish Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts (1887)
Protests on Bills of Exchange, Sequestrations and Cessio Bonorums in Scotland, October to December 1887
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Scottish Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts
Inhabitants of county Antrim (1888)
Bassett's Book of Antrim is a directory listing traders, farmers and private residents in the county, with notes on local manufacture and for anglers and sportsmen.
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Inhabitants of county Antrim
Inhabitants of county Armagh (1888)
Bassett's Book of Antrim is a directory listing traders, farmers and private residents in the county, with notes on local manufacture and for anglers and sportsmen.
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Inhabitants of county Armagh
Classics students at Cambridge University (1890)
Tripos lists or examination results for the year, arranged by class (First, Second and Third), and within each class in order of score in the examination (students getting exactly equal marks are bracketed together). Each student's surname and college is given. The course was divided into parts I and II, with separate examinations, and the results into First Class (split into Divisions 1, 2, 3); Second Class (split into Divisions 1, 2, 3); and Third Class (split into Divisions 1, 2, 3), but the examinants listed purely alphabetically within each division. In the lists for Part II, those students gaining firsts are further annotated with the letters b, c, d or e, denoting the section or sections for which they were awarded first class honours. The letter a indicates that the candidate had also attained a first class standard in section A. An asterisk next to any of these letters indicates special distinction. Women students are listed separately, but on the same basis. These lists are particularly useful in identifying for an individual the fellow-students who will have attended lectures with him; and, where from the college, are likely to have been even more closely associated by having been under the same supervisor. (The sample scan is from the start of the Mathematics Tripos list for 1770)
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Classics students at Cambridge University
National ArchivesLondon Policemen (1878-1891)
The Metropolitan Police Register of Joiners (MEPO 4/335) lists policemen joining the force 1 July 1878 to 31 December 1891 (warrant numbers 62845 to 77318). The register is alphabetical, in so far as the recruits are listed chronologically grouped under first letter of surname (I and J, and U and V being treated as single initials). It gives Date of Appointment, Name, Number of Warrant, Cause of Removal from Force (resigned, dismissed, promoted or died), and Date of Removal.
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London Policemen
Boys entering Brighton College (1891)
This edition of the Brighton College Register was published in 1922. The plan of the publication was to list boys by year or, later, term of entry. Each name is assigned a sequential number, 5000 boys, in all, being recorded. Full name is given (surname first, in bold); year of birth; year of leaving; and then (wherever the compiler had such information) a short biography, ending with date of death, where known.
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Boys entering Brighton College
Residents of Surrey (1895)
Kelly's Directory of Surrey includes this alphabetical Court Directory, listing private residents in the county. In fact, this listing is a little more comprehensive than the main directory, in that it includes residents of some London suburbs that, although in the county of Surrey, are not included in the Surrey directory. Residents are listed surname first, then christian name or initials, and postal address.
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Residents of Surrey
Associates of King's College, London (1896)
Former students of King's College, London, could be elected as associates of the college, and then enjoyed the privilege of perpetual free admission to all the classes in the department from which they had been elected; the use of the libraries and museums on the same basis as current students; and admission to dine at high table in the college hall. This list of associates from the college calendar for 1896-1897 gives year of election, full name (surname first), and the faculty or department in which graduated, of all associates elected from 1866 to 1896.
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Associates of King's College, London
Boys entering Harrow School (1896)
This Second Volume of the Second Series of the Harrow School Register was edited by J. H. Stogdon and published in 1925. The boys are listed by term of entrance, and then alphabetically by surname and christian names (in bold). Next, in brackets and in italics, is the school house to which he belonged - or, H. B. indicating a day boy whose family lived in Harrow. Stogdon then gives the father's surname and initials, and address. In cases where the boy was prominent in sports at school, or won academic prizes, scholarships &c., that is given; then the year of leaving the school; a synopsis of his career; and, where known, his address as of 1925, in italics.
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Boys entering Harrow School
Merchants and traders in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1515-1898)
The society of Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne consisted of those who had obtained freedom of the city (allowing them to trade there) by birth as a son of, or apprenticeship, to a freeman: and within that, freedom of one of the three 'trades', i. e. boothman, draper or mercer. F. W. Dendy prepared extracts from the merchant adventurers' records, the second volume, published by the Surtees Society in 1899 containing extracts from the minute books relating to the history of the merchants' court, an account of the long-standing dispute between the Newcastle company and the London company, some extracts relating to the relations between the Newcastle company and the Eastland Company (who had a monopoly of the trade with Russia and the Baltic), copies of the oaths used by the Newcastle company, the London company and the Eastland Company, and (pages 185 to 381) a list of the apprentices enrolled in, and of the freemen admitted to, the Newcastle company. This list is arranged in a table of seven columns: Name of Apprentice; Name of Father of Apprentice and Observations (particularly, instances where an apprentice is passed over to a new master during his apprenticeship); Master; Boothman (B.), Draper (D.) or Mercer (M.); Date of Indentures: Enrolment: Admission. All the dates are normalised to New Style, i. e. to the modern calendar. Finally, there is a list of sons and apprentices of members who, having thus acquired the right of freedom of the city, took up the freedom, but did not assume the freedom of any of the three trades. The index covers all the contents of the volume, not just the apprentice and freemen lists.
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Merchants and traders in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
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