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Our indexes include entries for the spelling drewett. In the period you have requested, we have the following 164 records (displaying 71 to 80): 

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Bankrupts' Assignees (1842)
Assignees of bankrupts' estates (usually principal creditors and/or close relatives of the bankrupt) in England and Wales
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Bankrupts' Assignees
Insolvents (1842)
Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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Insolvents (1844)
Insolvency notices for England and Wales: insolvency often caused people to restart their lives elsewhere, so these are an important source for lost links
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Mariners' Church Donations (1845)
Each monthly issue of The Mariners' Church Soldiers' and Sailors' Gospel Temperance Magazine, published by the Temperance British and Foreign Seamen's, Soldiers' and Steamers' Friend Society, and Bethel Flag Union, to promote religious instruction and temperance moral reformation and general unsectarian missions in the British Empire, at home and abroad, contained a section of Acknowledgments of sums contributed by individuals or through the Bethel churches to the society's funds, and in support of the orphan home.
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Mariners' Church Donations 
Railway Subscription Contracts (1845)
£21,386,703 6s 4d was promised by about 10,000 subscribers of less than £2,000 per contract to the nearly 200 railway bills deposited in the Private Bill Office during the Session of Parliament for 1845. This alphabetical list gives the full names of the subscribers (surname first), description (i. e., occupation), place of abode, a numerical reference to the title of the railway, the amount subscribed to each, and total. There is a separate key to the titles of the railways.
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Railway Subscription Contracts
Creditors and solicitors in England and Wales (1846)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of bankruptcies and stages in the liquidation of the estate, payment of dividends, and discharge. The initial entry in this sequence gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), the date gazetted, address and trade (often with the phrase dlr. and ch., meaning dealer and chapman); the dates and times and courts of the official processes of surrender; the surname of the official commissioner (Com.); the surname of the official assignee; and the names and addresses of the solicitors; the date of the fiat; and whether on the bankrupt's own petition, or at the demand of petitioning creditors, whose names, trades and addresses are given. This is the index to the names of the solicitors and petitioning creditors, from the issues from January to December 1846.
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Creditors and solicitors in England and Wales
Trustees and solicitors in England and Wales (1846)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of assignments of bankrupts' estates. Each entry gives the name of the bankrupt (surname first, in capitals), the date (in brackets), address and trade; followed by the names and addresses of the trustees to whom the estate was delivered, and the name and address of the solicitor. This is the index to the names of the trustees and solicitors, from the issues from January to December 1846.
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Trustees and solicitors in England and Wales
National ArchivesInhabitants of Newington in Surrey (1851)
The 1851 census return for St Mary Newington, Surrey, registration district: St Peter Walworth sub-district: enumeration district 13: described as: "All that Part of the Parish of St. Mary Newington, which Comprises The West side of Burdett St., North side of Walworth Common to Portland St., East side of Portland St. to Clandon St., Clandon St. to Ewhurst St. (both sides), Including Guildford St. (both sides), John St. & Waterloo St. from Portland St. to Burdett St. (both sides), and St. Peter St. (both sides)". This area lay in the ecclesiastical district of St Peter Walworth, and in the borough of Lambeth. HO 107/1567. The addresses listed in the actual returns are 20 to 34 Burdett Street; 1 to 5, 8 to 14 and 19 (Saint) John Street; 1 to 5 St Peters Gardens (including White Cottage); 1 to 3 Lime Cottages; 1 to 11 Waterloo Street; 1 to 6 Frederick Place; 1 to 10 Peter Street; 1 to 10 Saint Peters Place' 2and 5 and 6 Waterloo Place; 1 to 7 Saint James Place; 1 to 12 and 115 to 121 Portland Street; 1 to 7 Adelaide Place, Portland Street; 1 to 5 Bath Place, Portland Street; 1 to 13 and 122 to 129 Guildford Street; and 1 to 15 Clandon Street (including Kings Head beerhouse).
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Inhabitants of Newington in Surrey
Insolvents imprisoned for debt in England and Wales (1851)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included brief notices of insolvents' estates surrendered to assignees. Each entry gives the surname and christian name of the insolvent, trade and address, followed by the name of the prison. This is the index to the names of the insolvents, from the issues from January to December 1851.
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Insolvents imprisoned for debt in England and Wales
Insolvents in England and Wales (1851)
Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, issued monthly, included lists of insolvencies and stages in the process whereby the insolvents petitioned for release from debtors' prison. The insolvent is generally referred to by name (surname first), address and trade. This is the index to the names of the insolvents, from the issues from January to December 1851.
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Insolvents in England and Wales
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