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Our indexes include entries for the spelling coulter. In the period you have requested, we have the following 280 records (displaying 131 to 140): 

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National ArchivesMembers of the British military train fighting in China (1856-1860)
The China Medal was awarded to soldiers and sailors who took part in the prosecution of the war against the Chinese from 1856 to 1860. Separate clasps were awarded for men who had been in receipt of the China Medal of 1842; for being actually present at Canton on 28 and 29 December 1857, when that city was bombarded and finally captured; for being actually engaged in the operations which ceased with the first capture of the Taku Forts, 20 May 1858, and led to the Treaty of Tientsin; for being actually present at the capture of the Taku Forts 21 August 1860; and for being actually present before Pekin the day the gate of that city was given up to the allied (British and French) army, viz. on 13 October 1860. Among the recipients of the medals were members of the Military Train.
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Members of the British military train fighting in China
National ArchivesRoyal Artillery fighting in China (1856-1860)
The China Medal was awarded to soldiers and sailors who took part in the prosecution of the war against the Chinese from 1856 to 1860. Separate clasps were awarded for men who had been in receipt of the China Medal of 1842; for being actually present at Canton on 28 and 29 December 1857, when that city was bombarded and finally captured; for being actually engaged in the operations which ceased with the first capture of the Taku Forts, 20 May 1858, and led to the Treaty of Tientsin; for being actually present at the capture of the Taku Forts 21 August 1860; and for being actually present before Pekin the day the gate of that city was given up to the allied (British and French) army, viz. on 13 October 1860. Several batteries of the Royal Artillery took part in these actions.
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Royal Artillery fighting in China
Civil Service Appointments (1861)
The Civil Service Commission published an annual list of all persons who had obtained certificates of qualification for appointment in the various public departments. The list gives full name (surname first); department (such as Post Office, or Inland Revenue); situation (such as Letter-carrier, or Clerk); and date of certificate. Candidates whose names are preceded by a dagger obtained appointments as the result of competition; a double dagger indicates open competition. Those whose names are preceded by an asterisk obtained honorary additions to their certificates either for proficiency in extra subjects chosen by themselves, or for marked proficiency in the prescribed subjects. Then follows a further list of these candidates who had obtained Honorary Additions to their Certificates in this way: giving name (surname and initials); position in the service (department and situation); subjects for which honorary additions were made; and 'extent of knowledge displayed' (such as Creditable, Fair, or Very Creditable). 1 January to 31 December 1861.
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Civil Service Appointments
Long-stay Paupers in Workhouses: Hackney (1861)
This comprehensive return by the Poor Law Board for England and Wales in July 1861 revealed that of the 67,800 paupers aged 16 or over, exclusive of vagrants, then in the Board's workhouses, 14,216 (6,569 men, 7,647 women) had been inmates for a continuous period of five years and upwards. The return lists all these long-stay inmates from each of the 626 workhouses that had been existence for five years and more, giving full name; the amount of time that each had been in the workhouse (years and months); the reason assigned why the pauper in each case was unable to sustain himself or herself; and whether or not the pauper had been brought up in a district or workhouse school (very few had). The commonest reasons given for this long stay in the workhouse were: old age and infirm (3,331); infirm (2,565); idiot (1,565); weak mind (1,026); imbecile (997); and illness (493).
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Long-stay Paupers in Workhouses: Hackney
Patentees of New Inventions (1861)
Abstracts of British patents for new inventions applied for and granted from 1 January to 31 December 1861: giving date, name and address, and short description of the invention. It is then stated whether 'Letters patent sealed' or 'Provisional protection only'.
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Patentees of New Inventions
Patentees of New Inventions (1863)
Abstracts of British patents for new inventions applied for and granted from 1 January to 31 December 1863: giving date, name and address, and short description of the invention. It is then stated whether 'Letters patent sealed' or 'Provisional protection only'.
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Patentees of New Inventions
Patentees of New Inventions (1864)
Abstracts of British patents for new inventions applied for and granted from 1 January to 31 December 1864: giving date, name and address, and short description of the invention. It is then stated whether 'Letters patent sealed' or 'Provisional protection only'.
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Patentees of New Inventions
Unclaimed Money and Property (1864)
Gun & Co. of 17 Charlotte Street, London, published this 'List of Next of Kin & Heirs, &c., who have been Advertised for in the English, Irish, Scotch, United States of America, Canadian, Australian, East and West Indian, and other Newspapers, since 1704. Money & Property to the value of many Millions Sterling want Claimants'. The list of 4076 names gives surname, christian name, and, occasionally, locality. Copies of the actual advertisements were furnished to enquirers by the company at a cost of six shillings.
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Unclaimed Money and Property
Dublin Electors (1865)
This alphabetical list of electors for the City of Dublin for 1865 is annotated with details of the votes cast in the election of 15 July 1865 for a member of Parliament. The candidates were John Vance, Esq., D. L. (V), Benjamin Lee Guinness, Esq., D. L., LL. D. (G), and Jonathan Pim, Esq. (P). The first column gives, in bold, the initial of the ward in which lay the property that was the elector's qualification. The second column gives the elector's sequential number (alphabetically) within that ward. Then the elector's full name is given, surname first, and address, usually including house number. The votes cast are shown on the right: where these columns are blank, the elector did not vote. The key to the ward names is: A, South Dock; B, Donnybrook; C, Rathdown; D, Trinity; E, South City; F, Royal Exchange; G, Mansion House; H, Fitzwilliam; I, Wood Quay; K, Merchants' Quay; L, Usher's Quay; M, Arran Quay; N, Inns' Quay; O, North City; P, Rotundo; Q, Mountjoy; R; North Dock. S indicates the register of freemen.
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Dublin Electors
East Kent Registered Electors: Faversham (1865)
The poll for two knights of the shire to represent the Eastern Division of the county of Kent in parliament was taken 18 July 1865, the candidates being Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, bart., (D), Sir Brook William Bridges, bart., (B), and Sir Norton Joseph Knatchbull, bart., (K). This poll book lists all registered electors, whether they voted or not, by electoral district (Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Faversham, Hythe, Margate, Ramsgate, Romney, Sandwich, Sheerness, Sittingbourne, Whitstable and Wingham) and then by township or parish within which lay the property whereby the electors had qualified. The lefthand column gives sequential number in the whole volume; then follows the elector's full name, surname first, and his address (often elsewhere); and on the righthand side for whom he voted. When the elector was qualified in duplicate the vote is recorded opposite to the number upon which he claimed to vote at the polling booth, and wherever his name occurs elsewhere a reference is made, immediately after the address, to the number where his vote is recorded, with the initials of the candidates for whom he voted. Duplicate voters who were dead at the time of the election, or did not vote, are printed in italics to signify that they did not vote, or are stated to be dead once only; and wherever the names of such electors occur elsewhere references are made to the numbers where alone they are reckoned in the abstract of the poll as dead or not voting. Whenever a number only, without any other reference, follows the address, it denotes that at the number referred to, the elector is entered as not voting.
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East Kent Registered Electors: Faversham
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