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Our indexes include entries for the spelling bachelor. In the period you have requested, we have the following 83 records (displaying 71 to 80): 

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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1880)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1860, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
Long-Lost Relatives: Home Inquiries (1900)
Each issue of Lloyd's Weekly News, of London, contained a column devoted to searches for Long-Lost Relatives. The inquiries were arranged in three groups: Home Inquiries (i. e., from correspondents in the United Kingdom); Colonial and Foreign Inquiries (from abroad); and Soldiers' and Sailors' Inquiries. Results from all these were grouped together as 'Answers to Inquiries'. Each column was headed: 'Correspondents MUST give full addresses and the DATES OF THE INQUIRIES to which they refer. We cannot search back numbers, nor print inquiries for "missing husbands." These columns are not intended for inquiries in respect to claimants for money, and no agents, at home or abroad, have any connection with Lloyd's.'
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Long-Lost Relatives: Home Inquiries
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1900)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1880, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'. This appendix to the list was issued in about 1900.
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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
National ArchivesBritish artillerymen fighting in South Africa (1899-1902)
The Queen Victoria's South Africa Medal was awarded (after her death, in the event) to all who had served honourably in the various campaigns in the Boer War. Returns were made from each unit, and consolidated into nominal roll, of which this is the one for the Royal Artillery. Confusingly, the ledgers used had originally been printed for a register of men transferred (or re-transferred after mobilization) to 1st Class Army Reserve. All the original column headings were therefore struck through, and the roll was prepared with this information: Date of Issue; Regimental Number; Rank; Name; Unit; Medal (a 1 indicating that a medal was awarded); [number of] Clasps; the reference to the source in the original returns, usually starting with AG for papers in the hands of the Adjutant-General, and 68/Art/ for the Royal Artillery records. The final column, normally left blank, was occasionally used for explanatory remarks.
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British artillerymen fighting in South Africa
National ArchivesQueen's South Africa Medal: Royal Field Artillery: 19th Battery (1901-1905)
The nominal roll for the Queen Victoria's South Africa Medal - awarded (after her death, in the event) to all who had served honourably in the various campaigns in the Boer War - was compiled from these returns from the individual units. Two sets of form were completed. The main one, as in the sample scan, dates from 1901 and gives regimental number, rank, and full name (surname first), followed by a series of columns relating to different actions - Belmont, Modder River, Paardeberg, Dreifontein, Wepener, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Wittebergen, Defence of Kimberley, Relief of Kimberley, Defence of Mafeking, Relief of Mafeking, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Rhodesia, Talana, Elandslaagte, Tugela Heights, Defence of Ladysmith, Relief of Ladysmith, Laing's Nek, and Natal; each entitled the man to a separate clasp to the medal, and a tick or a Yes in the appropriate column indicates the man's actual physical presence in that battle. A final column for remarks is important in those cases where the man was no longer in the unit, by removal, death or desertion. The second form that sometimes occurs was returned in 1905, and covers men entitled to the Second South African War Medal and Clasps. It lists men by number, rank and name, checks whether they had claimed the Queen's South Africa Medal, and then enquires as to their suitability as to three Colony Clasps, which could be awarded for service in the Cape, Orange Free, or Transvaal; whether entitled to Date Clasps (South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902); whether also entitled to the King's South Africa Medal; any other corps in which served in South Africa; and remarks (such as becoming non-effective, forfeiture, &c.) WO 100/141
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Queen's South Africa Medal: Royal Field Artillery: 19th Battery
Naval Ratings Killed in 1914 (1914)
The monthly lists of Royal Navy ratings killed from the start of the Great War through to the end of December 1914 are aranged alphabetically by surname and christian names, with rank, and official number. The lists include marines, reservists, and a few civilian canteen staff also killed in the conflict. Full names are given, except for a few cases where a middle name is represented only by an initial.
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Naval Ratings Killed in 1914
Residents of Bournemouth (1934)
Kelly's Directory of Bournemouth and Poole for 1934 includes this section listing private residents in Bournemouth, Branksome Park, Boscombe, Boscombe East, Ensbury, Ensbury Park, Pokesdown and Winton.
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Residents of Bournemouth
Graduate Electrical Engineers (Graduate I. E. E.) (1939)
The Institution of Electrical Engineers was founded in 1871 under the name of The Society of Telegraph Engineers, and incorporated by royal charter in 1921. The list of members, corrected to 1 September 1939, gives the names and addresses of the various grades of members. Members (M. I. E. E.) and Associate Members (A. M. I. E. E.) were entitled to describe themselves as Chartered Electrical Engineers. Then there are the Associates (Associate I. E. E.), Companions (Companion I. E. E.), Graduates (Graduate I. E. E.) and Students (Student I. E. E.). The names are given in bold, surname first; before each name is the year of attaining that grade; and for the higher grades the year of each lower grade is also given, e. g. (G. 1931).
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Graduate Electrical Engineers (Graduate I. E. E.)
Associates of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (A. I. Mech. E.) (1947)
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, founded in 1847, was incorporated by royal charter in 1930. The list of members of 1 March 1947 gives the names (surname first) and addresses of the seven classes of member - Honorary Members (Hon. M. I. Mech. E.); Members (M. I. Mech. E.); Associate Members (A. M. I. Mech. E.); Companions (C. I. Mech. E.); Associates (A. I. Mech. E.); Graduates (G. I. Mech. E.); and Students (S. I. Mech. E.). The year of attaining qualification is given in the left-hand margin; in the higher grades the years of achieving the lower grades are also given, bracketed together. The crossed swords symbol indicates naval or military service during the Great War of 1914-1918; an italic b shows a member of the Benevolent Fund. (p) after a Graduate's or a Student's name indicates one who had passed the whole of the A. M. Examination or its recognized equivalent.
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Associates of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (A. I. Mech. E.)
Prominent Inhabitants of Birmingham (1949)
The Birmingham Post Year Book and Who's Who is an annual publication seeking to give comprehensive information about the city's organizations and its eminent residents. The Year Book has separate sections dealing with the City Council; the Municipal Elections; Municipal Departments; The High Court of Justice; Members of Parliament for the City; Political Associations; Government Departments; Trade and Industry; Birmingham Consular Association; Banks and Branches; Birmingham Stock Exchange; Restaurants and Cafes; Health; Churches and Religious Congregations; Freemasons; Education; Child Care; Youth; Cultural Activities; British Broadcasting Corporation; Sports and Pastimes; Philanthropic and Kindred Institutions; County and Kindred Societies; International Societies; United Nations Association; Clubs; Transport; The Forces; Toc H.; Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes; Electricity and Gas Boards; Law List; Chartered Accountants; Incorporated Accountants; Certified and Corporate Accountants; Chartered Secretaries; Surveyors, Auctioneers, Land Agents and Valuers; Architects; Civil Engineers; Mechanical Engineers; Electrical Engineers; and Old Boys' Associations. For most organizations, names and addresses of secretaries and other officers are given. Full lists of professional people are given in their sections, with addresses. Then there is the Who's Who in Birmingham, which (with an In Memoriam section for those who had died in the last year) usually gives full name (surname first, in capitals, in bold), date and place of birth (and often father's name), if married the year and name of spouse (and sometimes father's name); numbers of sons and daughters; a brief description of career, recreations, and current address.
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Prominent Inhabitants of Birmingham
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