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Our indexes include entries for the spelling aldington. In the period you have requested, we have the following 61 records (displaying 41 to 50): 

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Debtors (1880)
County Court Judgments in England and Wales
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Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts (1880)
Bills of sale (binding assets to a creditor/lender), insolvencies and bankruptcies in England and Wales, January to March 1880
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Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts
Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law (1880)
The Unclaimed Money Registry and Next-of-Kin Advertisement Office of F. H. Dougal & Co., on the Strand in London, published a comprehensive 'Index to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, Legatees, &c., &c., who have been Advertised for to Claim Money and Property in Great Britain and all Parts of the World; also Annuitants, Shareholders, Intestates, Testators, Missing Friends, Creditors or their Representatives, Claimants, Unclaimed and Reclaimed Dividends and Stock, Citations, Administrations, Rewards for Certificates, Wills, Advertisements, &c., Claims, Unclaimed Balances, Packages, Addresses, Parish Clerks' Notices, Foreign Intestates, &c., &c.' The original list was compiled about 1860, but from materials dating back even into the 18th century: most of the references belong to 1850 to 1880. For each entry only a name is given, sometimes with a placename added in brackets: there may be a reference number, but there is no key by which the original advertisement may be traced. The enquirer of the time had to remit £1 for a 'Full and Authentic Copy of the Original Advertisement, together with name and date of newspaper in which the same appeared'.
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Missing Next-of-Kin and Heirs-at-Law 
Money lenders and other creditors (1880)
Bills of sale transferred title in all property of a debtor to a specified creditor. Possession of a bill of sale thus protected a money lender or other creditor from losing a debtor's property to other creditors (except landlords) in case of insolvency or bankruptcy; and in many cases signing a bill of sale was a required step for a borrower securing a loan. The bill of sale specified the amount thereby secured, but could be open, i. e., allow for further drawings on the same account. Entries from the official register of bills of sales in England and Wales were published in Flint & Co.'s London Manchester and Dublin Mercantile Gazette, a weekly publication available only by subscription, issued under the motto "Security in Crediting". The entries are listed by county, then alphabetically by debtor, surname first, with address, trade, the name of the creditor ('in whose favour'), dates of issue and filing, and amount. An &c. after the amount indicates an open bill. The creditors that appear in the 'in whose favour' column are mainly, but not exclusively, loan companies and individual money lenders, and Jewish names figure prominently among the latter. When a loan was paid off, satisfaction of the bill of sale was entered on the register, and these satisfactions are also recorded in these pages. 1 January to 31 March 1880.
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Money lenders and other creditors
Bankrupts, Assignees, Trustees and Solicitors (1882)
Bankruptcy notices in England and Wales.
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Bankrupts, Assignees, Trustees and Solicitors
Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts (1882)
Bills of sale (binding assets to a creditor/lender), insolvencies and bankruptcies in England and Wales, October to December 1882
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Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts
Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts (1882)
Bills of sale (binding assets to a creditor/lender), insolvencies and bankruptcies in England and Wales, January to March 1882
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Debtors, Insolvents and Bankrupts
Criminals Imprisoned (1884)
Henry Romeike compiled this list of 800 cases, reported in the newspapers in March and April 1884, in which criminals were fined or imprisoned. The list is arranged by nature of the fine or length of sentence, divided into two groups: offences against property, and those against the person. The compilation was published by D. H. Macfarlane, M.P., to contrast the severity of sentences for theft of trivial property, as against relatively light punishments for assaults: it gives the full name of the criminal, brief details of the crime, and the name and date of the newspaper report.
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Criminals Imprisoned
National ArchivesOutstanding soldiers of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (1881-1901)
Each year the best soldiers of the regiment were chosen for long service and good conduct medals. This register gives rank, name, regimental number, and date of recommendation. (The sample scan is from the East Surrey regiment). The register is essentially a register of recommendations, annotated with details of the issue of the medals. Where no gratuity accompanied the medal, the entry is marked 'W. G.' (without gratuity); where, for one reason or another, the medal was not issued, the entry is marked 'N. S.' (not sanctioned) and struck through. The regiment was based on the 47th Regimental District - Preston. The 1st battalion embarked from England for Gibraltar in 1882, went on to India in 1884, and was stationed at Quetta by 1885. In 1895 it was at Poona. In 1896 the battalion was moved to Ceylon, and in 1899 to South Africa, where it added "South Africa, 1899-1902" and "Defence of Kimberley" to the regimental honours. The 2nd battalion returned from India via Gibraltar in 1883; in 1885 was based at Portsmouth; served on Jersey from 1887 to 1890; was transferred to Ireland, and by 1895 was at Mullingar. In 1896 the battalion was moved back to England, and in 1899 embarked for Malta, moving from there to Crete in 1901.
Sample scan, click to enlarge
Outstanding soldiers of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Members of Cheadle Hulme S. and C. Cycling Club (1927)
Each month in the Cyclists' Touring Club Gazette was printed a list of candidates for membership, area by area, giving surname, initial(s), and full postal address. In addition, candidates for Affiliated Membership are listed under individual cycling clubs.
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Members of Cheadle Hulme S. and C. Cycling Club 
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